Scholarship Opportunities

Each year thousands of dollars in scholarships are awarded to deserving students from scholarship funds administered by the Watertown Area Community Foundation.

Scholarship applications are available as noted in italics after each scholarship title.





“We wanted to make a difference for those who have the passion to make a difference in the lives of people struggling with addiction. We believe God puts people in our path when we need them most. Time and time again we have found this to be true during our family’s struggles. Our hope is this scholarship can ease the way for students who are so willing to walk on the journey with families impacted by addiction.”

-Mindy Wirkus

Kevin & Mindy Wirkus Family Scholarship

Edward M. & Ruth Belatti Music: Watertown High School
Any graduating Watertown High School senior pursuing a baccalaureate degree in music who is deemed to have the highest potential to succeed in earning a degree in music.

Harriett Cartney & Donald & Betty Blankenship Memorial

D.A.S.H.: Watertown Police Department
Applicant must be a graduating Watertown High School senior who resides in Codington County. Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and attend a college or university with an interest in health or a civil service-related field.

Dahl Family: Watertown High School
Any graduating Watertown Senior High School student who plans to further their education.

DeBerg Family Scholarship Fund in Memory of Dorothy DeBerg: Codington County Extension Office
A Codington County senior who excelled in 4-H.

Kimberly Ann Erling Spanish: Watertown High School
The recipient must study Spanish in college but not necessarily major or minor in the language.

Kayla Jean Felstet Even Memorial: Castlewood, Clark, Florence, Hamlin, Henry, Watertown, Waverly/South Shore High School
The recipient will be entering Lake Area Technical College for Human Services.

Folkerts Family: Lake Area Technical College
Offering a scholarship to a student attending Lake Area Technical College enrolled in Building Trades, Medical, Hospitality, Agriculture, or Technology fields.

Jerry Grotewold Agriculture: Linked Here and at Qualifying High Schools
Any graduating Senior that is a resident of South Dakota within a 60-mile radius of Watertown. The scholarship will be awarded for tuition and books for attendance at a post-secondary institution to study in an agriculture-related field.

Gunter Family: WIN-E-MAC Alumni Association
Offering two scholarships to Win-E-Mac graduates from Erskine, MN. The intent of this scholarship is to assist students in the pursuit of their academic advancement.

Denny Holien – Persona Inc.: Persona Human Resource Department
Established in memory of Dennis “Denny” Holien, founder of Persona, Inc. Denny’s passion for youth and education, in conjunction with his philanthropic and entrepreneurial spirit, make this scholarship a long-lasting part of his legacy in which he can give back to the loyal and dedicated employees he took pride in. For students who are children, step-children, or grandchildren of Persona employees.‍

Jamie A. Isaacson: Lake Area Technical College
Offering a scholarship to a student attending Lake Area Technical College, Watertown, SD, enrolled in an industrial field.

R.P. “Pete” Kliegle Aviation MemorialLake Area Technical College
The recipient will be a second year student in an Aviation program at Lake Area Technical College.

Wayne Arnold Keup & Donus Roberts Speech & Debate: Watertown High School
‍Will be awarded to a WHS debate team member going on to receive higher education and who is determined by a WHS faculty committee to have financial need. If a debate team member does not qualify then a scholarship recipient who meets the criteria shall be chosen.

KXLG – Dean Johnson Business: Linked Here and at Qualifying High Schools. 
Any graduating senior who is a resident of South Dakota within a 60-mile radius of Watertown, SD. The recipient will be attending a post-secondary institution majoring in business or a related field of study.

KXLG – David J. Law Journalism: Linked Here and at Qualifying High Schools
Any graduating senior who is a resident of South Dakota within a 60-mile radius of Watertown, SD. The recipient will be attending a post-secondary institution majoring in journalism or a related field of study.

Jon LaFramboise YETIS: South Dakota Snowmobile Association
‍Awarded to a graduating student involved in the YETIS program.

Lake City Hospitality, Inc. dba Quality Inn & Suites: Lake Area Technical College
Students attending Lake Area Technical College enrolled in the medical, building trades, or business field.

Leadership Watertown (2/Half-Scholarships): Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce
This scholarship will award two half-scholarships annually to cover the Leadership Watertown program fee.

Edith “Ede” Magedanz Registered Nurse: Linked Here and at Qualifying High Schools
Open to graduating high school seniors from Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, or Roberts County, South Dakota; or Traverse County, Minnesota, pursuing an RN degree.

Lyle Marquis Family: Watertown High School
A scholarship will be awarded to a student who needs financial help pursuing post-high school studies and has demonstrated, through high school performance, a reasonable chance for success on the post-high school level.

Nellie Newcomb: Watertown High School
Nellie Newcomb scholarship in Memory of Treva Ginther is awarded to a Watertown High School senior. Applicant must attend an accredited South Dakota college or trade school and have at least a 3.0 GPA, have participated in music during high school, have participated in community service, or has worked at a job.

Ruth Chase Olson: Watertown High School   
This scholarship is for a graduating Watertown High School Senior majoring in English or a related field including music and theater, at a college or university. Applicant must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA and must be registered as a full-time student.

Thomas E. Peterson: Deuel High School 
These scholarships shall be awarded to graduating Senior High School students who are residents of Deuel County, South Dakota. The recipients will have maintained an overall “B” grade point average or equivalent during their last three years of high school. Consideration shall be given to the financial situation of the applicants and their parents, and preference among qualified applicants shall be given to those with the greatest need.

Crystal Quail (two awarded – one for a four-year university and one for a two-year college): Watertown High School
Any graduating Watertown High School senior going to college in South Dakota or to an out-of-state school that has a reciprocity agreement with South Dakota. Preference will be given to students entering any science, engineering, or technology field.

Gene & Mary Lois Reichling Memorial: Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce
Watertown area graduating senior going to post-secondary school. The student and family have been or must be active and involved in either agriculture 4H and/or the Watertown Winter Farm Show.

Frank & Mathilda Rueb: Watertown High School
Any graduating Watertown High School senior with at least a 2.5 GPA, must attend a recognized and accredited junior college, college, or university, and must be pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in the Arts.

Sheila Jean Rueb Memorial: Watertown High School
Applicant must be a graduating Watertown High School senior with at least a 2.5 GPA.  Applicant must attend a junior college, college, or university, and must be pursuing a degree in a health-related field.

Ervin H. & Sybil E. Schafer: Lake Area Technical College
Any graduates from Watertown High School or Florence High School attending Lake Area Technical College, Watertown, South Dakota, enrolled in courses that are related to agriculture.

Phyllis Rueb Schufeldt Memorial Scholarship Fund

Robert Schurrer 4-H: Codington County Extension Office
Awarded to a high school graduate with an outstanding record in the agriculture project area.

Sister Hyacinth Memorial: Watertown High School
Watertown High School applicants must have been in Foster Care at some time during their K-12 grade years and a Watertown High School graduating senior with at least a 2.5 GPA.

Patty Trigg & Mary Rueb Conner Music: Watertown High School
Watertown High School graduating senior pursuing arts degree in the music and/or entertainment field.

Jesse D. and Jessie E. Vincent Memorial: Watertown High School
The winners will be based on need, character, and high school scholastic performance. To be eligible, an applicant must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA for the first seven semesters of high school.

WACF Women & Giving: Linked Here, Mount Marty University-Watertown Campus, or at Lake Area Technical College
Scholarships awarded to non-traditional, female students.

Ralph & Joanne Wamsher Scholarship Fund: Watertown Area Community Foundation Office
Awarded to a nontraditional student attending Lake Area Technical College or Mount Marty University. Eligible recipients will be in their second year of study at LATC or MMU and have been out of high school for a minimum of 5 years and have experienced a significant life event (e.g. loss of employment/spouse or an event that precipitated the student to seek higher education so they may reenter the workforce).

Watertown Area Snow Queen: Watertown High School
Scholarships for Junior Watertown Area Snow Queens to use at a post-secondary school for a career readiness program or for professional licensure.

Watertown Community Hall of Fame: Watertown High School
Awarded to an outstanding student who demonstrates excellent leadership skills and plans to attend Lake Area Technical College.

Kevin & Mindy Wirkus Family: Linked Here and at Qualifying High Schools 
For applicants graduating high school within a 60-mile radius of Watertown and pursuing post-secondary study in drug and/or alcohol counseling or law enforcement.

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