Foundation Achieves National Standard Accreditation

January 29, 2023

The Watertown Area Community Foundation has once again achieved National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® accreditation. The Foundation met the nation’s highest philanthropic standards for operational quality, integrity, and accountability as determined by the Community Foundations National Standards Board, a national accreditation organization based in Arlington, VA.

To receive accreditation, the Foundation had to demonstrate how its operational practices met the 26 National Standards established by the Community Foundations National Standards Board. Those foundations receiving the Accreditation Seal are recognized for a commitment to the success and well-being of every organization they support, and are willing and able to stand by every grant they have made. The Accreditation Seal signals to donors and to their professional advisers that a community foundation is a sound place to give and make a difference.

“This is critically important to our donors and community partners,” said Jan DeBerg, Watertown Area Community Foundation executive director. “When people make a charitable bequest or establish a fund, they are putting their trust in us to manage that investment wisely and honor their charitable wishes. The National Standards confirmation says our house is in order and we are in a sound position to promote philanthropy, connect donors to causes they care about, and provide leadership on important community issues.”

The Watertown Area Community Foundation offers a range of charitable funds, allowing donors to advance a cause such as education or the environment, support an individual organization, provide flexible support for community needs, or recommend individual grants. In addition to affirming the organization’s philanthropic services, the confirmation validates the Watertown Area Community Foundation’s grantmaking practices for the nonprofit community.
“The accreditation process is rigorous and hugely important,” said Dr. Jeff Danielsen, WACF Board Chairperson. “Undertaking it demonstrates our commitment and accountability to our donors and our community. When you see the National Standards Seal, you can be assured that we’re committed to meeting the highest standards.”
The first community foundations were accredited by the Council on Foundations in the early 2000’s, including the Watertown Area Community Foundation. Two decades later, the Watertown Area Community Foundation continues to help people support the causes they care about, now and for generations to come.
The Community Foundations National Standards Board is a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations that administers and advances National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations by ensuring the integrity of the accreditation process and building the value of compliance. Visit for more information about the program and organization.


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